Lightning Talk@ICDE 2018

We are happy to announce that we will give a lightning talk at ICDE 2018 about „Teaching In-Memory Database Systems the Detection of Hardware Errors“.


A description of our group and our research activities has been published in SIGMOD record.

TIS Test Exam

There will be a test exam for TIS on monday, 18.12.17 1PM, in room APB E010. It is highly recommended to participate.

Papers@SIGMOD 2018

We are happy to announce that the following papers have been accepted as full papers at the 2018 ACM International Conference of Data (SIGMOD) in Houston, Texas, USA:

  • Thomas Kissinger, Dirk Habich, Wolfgang Lehner: Adaptive Energy-Control for In-Memory Database Systems
  • Till Kolditz, Dirk Habich, Matthias Werner, Stefan De Bruijn, Wolfgang Lehner: AHEAD: Adaptable Data Hardening for On-the-Fly Hardware Error Detection during Query Processing

Klausureinsicht “Datenbanken” am 21.09.2017

Die Klausureinsicht für die Klausur Datenbanken findet am 21. September 2017 um 14:00 Uhr im Raum APB 3105 statt. Studierende die Einsicht nehmen wollen melden sich bitte vorher bei Maik Thiele.

Successful Keynote@VLDB 2017

Wolfgang Lehner gave a successful keynote at the international conference on very large databases (VLDB 2017) in Munich yesterday.

Honor@EDBT 2017

We are happy to announce that our paper “Lightweight Data Compression Algorithms: An Experimental Survey” written by Patrick Damme, Dirk Habich, Juliana Hildebrandt, and Wolfgang Lehner has been selected as one of the best papers of the EDBT 2017 conference and we are invited to submit an extended version to the ACM Transaction on Database Systems.

Paper@DSAA 2017

We are happy to announce that our paper “CSAR: The Cross-sectional autoregression model” written by Claudio Hartmann, Martin Hahmann, Dirk Habich, and Wolfgang Lehner has been accepted as full paper at the 4th IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics (DSAA) in Tokyo, Japan.

Lernraum für Datenbank Grundlagen.

Der Lernraum für die Lehrveranstaltungen “Datenbanken” findet am 20. Juli um 15:00 bis 16:30 Uhr im Raum APB E008 statt.