Talk: Robert Kubis (Spanner – a fully managed horizontally scalable relational database with ACID transactions that speaks SQL)

Google Developer Advocat Robert Kubis will talk about the global distributed NewSQL database Spanner at April 3 16:40-18:10 room APB E008. The talk is part of the Architektur von Datenbanksystemen II lecture.


Live coding and demos! In this presentation you’ll learn what Spanner is all about! I’ll talk about TrueTime, horizontal scale, the CAP theorem and best practices. You’ll see how to setup your first Spanner instance and database. We walk through design decisions when coming up with your schema and queries that are enabled to scale to terabytes. Come prepared to see some code, queries and query explains.


We are delighted to announce that our paper “Big Data causing Big (TLB) Problems: Taming Random Memory Accesses on the GPU“ written by Tomas Karnagel (TU Dresden, DB), Tal Ben-Nun (Hebrew University of Jerusalem), Matthias Werner (TU Dresden, ZIH), Dirk Habich (TU Dresden, DB), and Wolfgang Lehner (TU Dresden, DB) has been accepted as full paper at the Thirteenth International Workshop on Data Management on New Hardware (DaMoN collocated to ACM SIGMOD) in Chicago, USA.

Stundenpläne für das Sommersemester 2017…

…sind online: Summer Term 2017.

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